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Teamsin voima -sarja "Luo virtuaaliagentti"

Tässä uudessa todellisuudessa, jossa elämme, uudet lähestymistavat työhön, kuten etätyö, korvasivat rutiinin mennä toimistoon ja kasvokkaisiin tapaamisiin, joihin olimme tottuneet. Ja tiimiyhteistyöalustoista, kuten Microsoft Teamsista, on tullut monien organisaatioiden ykkösvalinta.

In order to help you and your teams make the most of Microsoft Teams and increase productivity, Microsoft and its partners have introduced “The Power of Teams” series, giving you 2 webinars each month.

Have you imagined improving your organization´s productivity just by dedicating your teams’ time to most demanding tasks. The implementation of virtual agents (chatbot’s) allows you to reduce up to 70% of phone calls, dedicated chats and emails. On December 17th, Tiago Noronha, Digital Consultant at Unipartner, hosted the webinar “Create your Virtual Agent”, part of The Power of Teams series, where he demonstrated how to build your own virtual agent integrated with Microsoft Teams.

Access the webinar here to find out how you too can create your own Virtual Agent: Crie o seu Agente Virtual! (


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