Unipartner IMS Policy
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Unipartner’s Integrated Management Systems Policy

Version 3.0, 2024-10-02

At Unipartner, our Integrated Management Systems Policy sums up the essential elements of our commitment to excellence, quality and security in our processes, operations and IT services management.

This Policy applies to all activity developed by Unipartner and is aligned with our strategy to deliver services that are compliant with our customers’ requirements and that have quality and are resilient, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy, with the objective of complying with the expectations of the interested parties.


Quality and security are crucial to the success of IT service delivery and management and are essential parts of Unipartner’s Business Principles, expressed on the commitment of providing the best services and solutions, respecting quality, information security, privacy and IT services management best practices, and by being an active actor in our sector and market about these topics. Our principles are based on the commitment of continuous improvement with our customers, suppliers, employees and stakeholders.

As a player in the consultancy and digital transformation areas, Unipartner has, not only the responsibility, but also the necessary awareness about information security, privacy and IT service management challenges, both, in the approach taken in providing services and in our internal practices and processes.


These principles guide our actions to provide services that ensure quality, information security and customer’s, legal and contractual requirements, to achieve our ambition to be recognized and trusted to offer services that enhance our clients’ performance with innovative solutions, but with safe solutions as well:

  • Turvallisuustietokäytäntöjen toteuttaminen sisäisissä prosesseissamme "tarve tietää -periaatteena" käyttää erottelua, tietojen luokittelua ja käsiteltäviä määräyksiä;

  • Deliver solutions, applications and services respecting the principles of confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy;

  • Implement the controls from the Annex A from ISO 27001:2022 and from Annexes A (Controller) and B (Processor) from ISO 27701:2019;

  • Palvelujemme ja sopimuksiemme palvelutasosopimusten noudattaminen;

  • Provide the necessary resources to deliver the Service Plan and Unipartner Catalog, with quality and complying with customer needs and business expectations;

  • Encouraging a quality, security and privacy mindset with the objective of developing and providing services compliant with our customers’ requirements;

  • Haastaa tiimimme jatkuvasti parantamaan tarjottuja prosesseja ja palveluita asiakastyytyväisyyden takaamiseksi;

  • Riskilähtöistä ajattelua tarkastellaan alusta alkaen ja koko järjestelmässä ja tarjotaan siten ennaltaehkäiseviä toimia suunnittelu-, toiminta-, analyysi- ja arviointitoimille;

  • Encouraging participation and promotion of quality, security, privacy and IT service management responsibilities among all employees and third parties through standards, education, awareness, training and effective communication;

  • Complying with applicable laws, regulations and information security and privacy standards, as well as internal and customer’s requirements;

  • Publish and maintain update a specific privacy policy with information about treatment, purposes of data processing, rights of data subjects, retention time and security/ privacy controls, which can be accessed through Unipartner corporate website;

  • Keskitytään jatkuvasti integroitujen hallintajärjestelmien parantamiseen suorituskyvyn ylläpitämiseksi tai lisäämiseksi, reagoimiseksi ja sopeutumiseksi sisäisten ja ulkoisten kontekstien muutoksiin ja uusien mahdollisuuksien luomiseksi;

  • Relationship management with relevant parties to achieve sustained success;

  • Integroidut hallintajärjestelmät ovat vielä yksi resurssi, joka palvelee ja toimii liiketoiminnan ja yrityksen strategian tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Johtamisjärjestelmien tavoitteet ovat siis linjassa yrityksen strategian kanssa ja koostuvat kaikista yrityksen tavoitteista: strategisimmista toimivimpiin.


Tästä käytännöstä tiedotetaan kaikille Unipartnerin työntekijöille ja yleisölle.

Yksipartnerin pääkonttori

Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas Edifício 5B 5º 

Porto Salvo, 2740-245 PORTUGALI

Yksipartner Madeira

Rua do Carmo nº 25

Funchal, 9050-019 PORTUGALI

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Unipartner Abrantes

Rua José Dias Simão, Edifício INOV.POINT

Abrantes, 2200-062 PORTUGAL

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