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Join us to find out how we help organizations accelerate sustainability

Nowadays, organizations can work to achieve the United Nations’ SDGs by involving people, processes and products/services in a number of actions.

Unipartner presents two initiatives that can become a reality for any organization that is looking to reinforce a culture of innovation focused on sustainability.

Nuno Ricardo, our Digital Lab Leader, will be hosting a session at the Digital with Purpose Global Summit 2023, that will present a set of initiatives that organizations can hold internally to create a positive impact on the planet.

Join us at the Innovation Stage on Sept. 29th 10 am to find out about our DIF program, an initiative that guides organizations to create AI solutions with the potential to accelerate sustainability, and a Unipartner challenge that has fostered creativity and innovation within our teams to increase our contribution to the UN’s 17 Goals.

Find out more and register for the event here:


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