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Liity seuraamme "Innovaatio julkisessa palvelussa" 14.10.2019 klo 10!

Pandemia toi haasteita, jotka edellyttivät uusia lähestymistapoja tapaan, jolla julkisen sektorin laitokset, erityisesti terveydenhuoltoala, ovat vuorovaikutuksessa kansalaisten kanssa digitaalisesti. Silti se avasi myös parannusmahdollisuuksia palvellessaan heitä.

On October 14th at 10am, the “Innovation in Public Service” live event counts with a discussion panel with special guests, such as Ilda Pires, Director of the Department of Relationship with the Citizen and Participation at Câmara de Lisboa, Berta Rodrigues, Hospital Administrator – Director of Patient Management Services at Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu, and Dr. Miguel Azevedo, President of Clinical and Health Council at ACES Porto Oriental and Family Doctor at USF Arca d`Água.

They will be joined by the Unipartner specialists Nuno Alves, Public Sector SSE, and Miguel Madeira, Customer Experience Management Services Area Leader, to explore the challenges, trends and future opportunities for citizen service after the pandemic.

You can register for the live event here:


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